愛蜜莉 Emilie Claire Barlow / 想念的季節 The Very Thought of You
如果想念某人, 在很深的夜裡, 就來聽這首歌吧.
有些愛戀無法明說, 情思在心底吟唱迴旋, 如白日夢般,
持續在一種分心的狀態中飄浮, 曖昧模糊……
Emilie Claire Barlow:The Very Thought of You
The very thought of you
And I forget to do
The little ordinary things
That everyone ought to do
I’m living in a kind of daydream
I’m happy as a king
And foolish though it may seem
To me, that’s everything
The mere idea of you
The longing here for you
You’ll never know
How slow the moments go
Until I am near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
It’s just the thought of you
The very thought of you, my love……
愛蜜莉Emilie Claire Barlow : 想念的季節 / The Very Thought of You專輯同名主題歌, 愛蜜莉曾榮獲National Jazz Awards 2006「年度最佳女伶」、2007「年度最佳爵士女伶」雙料提名入圍 , 係加拿大多倫多相當活躍的爵士實力派女歌手.
* 本文同時發表於 THE PLUS 樂加廚坊 *